Thursday, January 21, 2010

healthy playdate

Hi all I'm back. I know - I was a bit slow in writing over the winter break. I am trying to get back on track. Today I had a big Kindergarten playdate at my house. As the kids were running around having fun, I began to make lunch. As I microwaved the chicken nuggets, reached for the ketchup, and filled their plates with kid-favorite snacks - I came up with my blog installment! I used all things from Jack's Health Food Country. While the kids were happy and loved the food - it was an added plus that it was all healthy. As you can see by their smiling faces . . . they didn't know it was healthy! So - for this blog, I'll tell you more about some of my gang's favorites - with a little help from James' friends!

First up - the chicken nuggets. What kid does not like chicken nuggets? If you head to those fast food restaurants, this is usually the top pick, especially for the very young. Jack has Earth's Best Baked Chicken Nuggets in the frozen section of the store. This is what I feed my kids and usually offer for lunch play dates. the kids love them AND they are baked, not fried. The chicken is all-natural and made without antibiotics. The breading is whole grain - with 8 grams of whole grains per serving! According to the USDA Food Pyramid, grains are the base of the pyramid. Consuming foods with whole grains help to reduce the chances of heart disease and help in weight management. Better yet, there are only 3 grams of fat in these chicken nuggets and no saturated fats. Traditional fast food chicken nuggets contain 12 grams of fat and 3 grams of saturated fat. Saturated fat increases bad cholesterol in the body and decrease good cholesterol. This increases the risk of developing heart disease. Clearly the chicken nuggets at Jack's Health Food Country are the much better choice. And for the moms out there - so easy to prepare as they are fully cooked and just need to be heated up!

Usually when I get out the chicken nuggets, the kids always ask for ketchup. I use to try to discourage the use of ketchup with my oldest child, but now I realize the benefits of ketchup. Ketchup is made from whole tomoatoes. Tomatoes contain lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that helps to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and thus helps in cancer prevention and also heart protection. The ketchup from Jack's Health Food Country is organic, so the tomatoes are grown without pesticides. A double plus in my book! So, now I encourage ketchup, and believe it or not, they love this ketchup as much as any other!!

What is a chicken nugget lunch without a side of something fun? We always have bags of Pirate's Booty and Tings at my house. I haven't found a kid who doesn't like them! Tings are corn sticks, so much healthier than the more popular corn sticks. I have to admit they are so good: very hard to each just one! We also take these with us in the summers to the beach and it is easy to go through a whole bag very quickly! Pirate's Booty are more of a puffed rice snack and a favorite by all too! As you can see - James' friends enjoyed both types!

Jack's Health Food Country has so many snacks and meals available. Stop in and see! Clearly the alternatives to some of the more popular foods are just as good and so much more beneficial for you or your child's health. I know I feel better when they eat these snacks! And it is clear that they are happy and enjoying them just as much as the unhealthy versions!

Hey - have any ideas for the next blog? Send them my way!! I'd love to hear what some of your favorite products are from Jack's Health Food Country!!!!